"Subway Dinner Theater presents..."I don't like Subway's subs, but I do like their comercials. Let me show you some of them*.
Guy- "Subway Dinner Theater presents, 'Dinner at 5 O'clock' [rings a bell]**.
Woman [in her office]-"Oh no! It's 4:59! What will I feed my family? Make something? To tired. Pick something! But what, but what?
Guy-"She makes me anxious. And now dinner!..."***
Guy- "Subway dinner theater presents, 'The Thing'."
Boy 1-"What is it?" [looking at an oven]
Boy 2-"Don't know."
Boy 1- [goes over to touch it]
Boy 2-"Don't touch it!"
Boy 1-"Wait, it's glowing. RUN!!"
Guy- [staring in to space]... [bolts upright] "And now for dinner!..."
Guy- "Subway Dinner Theater presents, 'On My Own'.
[person walking]... [pizza sign appears] [person shakes his head]... [burger sign appears] [person shakes his head]... [tofu sign flashes boldly] [person give a suprized look as this happens]
Guy- "Ha ha ha! Edgy! And know dinner..."
*they stop at 'And know dinner'
***'Blah blah blah. Subway eat FRESH!